Health and Medical Information for Chile
Health and Medical Information for Chile
Travel tips for your trip to Chile Hotel Maps Famous Places in Chile helps you to make your trip to Chile in the holiday a Splendid One

Health insurance is essential. Emergency services can be dialled free (tel: (2) 131 for an ambulance), but for medical emergencies, private services may deliver more modern equipment and a faster response. Clínicas (private hospitals) can be contacted directly in the case of a medical emergency.
Food and drink:
Standards of hygiene are generally reasonable in Chile, and should not cause visitors any undue concern.
Other risks:

Vaccinations against tuberculosis and hepatitis B are sometimes recommended. When travelling to rural parts of Chile, care should be taken to avoid the Hanta virus, a potentially fatal condition that is spread by rodents. In particular, make sure rustic cabins are well aired out and free from any sign of rodents.